Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Spring Break

My family and I are heading out of town in a couple of days for Spring Break and as I was sitting down this evening, I realized that spring break implies spring. Spring means that another season has almost ended and that means I am nowhere near keeping up to my monthly post. I came online tonight thinking, oh boy, I let five or six weeks go by and realize that no, it's been 2 1/2 months. Oops! Well, despite this shortfall of mine, 2006 has been an exciting year so far. My entrance back into school has been nothing short of outstanding. I've been consuming books, left and right, that I never knew existed and certainly wouldn't have thought to read. A few I suggest are Spending by Mary Gordon, Amy & Isabelle by Elizabeth Strout, This Boy's Life by Tobias Wolfe, Another Bullshit Night in Suck City by Nick Flynn (you can not beat the title, can you?) and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. I've read those and two dozen more, all wonderful.

On the news front here, the first chapters of THE ROOKIE CLUB are up and on the site. The book won't be out until June, but we'll begin to raffle advanced copies off in early May. So check it out. Also, Doubleday Book Club has announced they'd like to pick up the title, so it will be available in hardback through Doubleday as well as its two partners: The Literary Guild and The Mystery Guild.

Though June is still a ways off, I do have a single booksigning planned for Friday, June 9th at Once Upon A Crime in Minneapolis. Watch the site for more details.

And finally, I'm busy at work on the story after The Rookie Club tentatively titled ONE CLEAN SHOT...More on that soon...well, relatively soon, I hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us posted. Can hardly wait for June. Keep up the good work! And enjoy Spring.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Rohit Gore said...

Hi Danielle,

I just read one of your books, Cold Silence. Now I have two options. Either I praise (putting on a pedestal kind of praise) your book or give you my honest opinion. This might sound a bit clichéd. But I am no writer, atleast not a published one yet, so could not figure out another way of expressing my thoughts. Anyways, I guess I will go with the latter.

Just three bullet points really:
- The book could hold my attention throughout. I guess this the biggest compliment one can give to a writer, isn't it?
- You were able to develop the character of your protagonist really well. That is true for most of the other characters.
- Now comes something that can be classified as not-a-compliment. In one of you blogs you have mentioned that you are an 'outliner'. Maybe when you wrote this novel, you were in the process of becoming an outliner. So unlike an accomplished outliner, you were not able to tie all the plots together in the end. Maybe you did the crash course in 'tying plots for dummies' and have improved in the subsequent novels. But just to do some damage control here, I thought all your sub-plots were pretty interesting in isolation.

One thing you can be assured of though. You have certainly bagged one more fan for yourself (that’s me). Although mine may not be the first name that you would pen down in the list of 'famous fans of Danielle Girard', but you can be assured that you would be one of the authors I would be recommending to a lot of people thereby increasing the sales of your books and thereby...well I need not tell everything to a Math enthusiast.

Have a great time with your family and I look forward to reading your new book as well as catch up with your past work.

9:53 AM  

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